Thursday, May 22, 2008

So what is 1 serving of fruits like

Extract from the same cookbook as prev post..

"to get maximum benefit our bodies need variety of diff types of fruit and vegetable as they all contain different combinations of nutrients. Each colour contains different antioxidants and nutrients, so a basic guide is to try to eat a rainbow of fruit and vegetables over a week."

One portion of fruit or vege is = to 75g not counting skin or seeds.


- 1/2 large grapefruit or mango

- 1 slice of melon or pineapple

- 2 kiwi fruit or plum

- 1 banana, pear, peach or apple

- 1 tablespoon dried fruit

- 150ml glass of 100% fruit or vetable juice

- 3 tbsp cooked carrots peas or sweetcorn

- 1 dessert bowl of mixed salad or vegetable soup

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