Saturday, March 21, 2009

Aura's 2nd Birthday

Event : Aura's 2nd birthday
Venue : Swensen's T2

Just a small celebration this year as it coincides with cousin Naziha's wedding at The Gallery at Fort Canning.

We left Fort Canning at around 4pm and off to T2.

Note : Thank you birthday girl dad for the treat. If i know you treating, i would order something else hahahaha ...

Happy Birthday Princess

Aura's Barney cake. [ We had to hide it from her ]

( my lil sista keep saying... " poor Barney " when she cut the cake hahahha )

Aura's mom and dad did a good job surprising her. Dad covered her eyes while mom brought the cake out and light up the candle.

The look on Aura's face... priceless

Aiyoh .. dunno where she get that idea... She lick the cake cutter, the moment after she cut the cake .. See below.

Blowing firehouse sundae :-)
Aura crying for attention.. hahah ..

actually she is crying cos she wanted to open up the presents and we said nope.

But because it's princess big day... we go all soft...

Is it just me or does she look disappointed to get Barbie teapot set.

btw that set is by Aura's Mak busu.

From Nyai...

Aura's first laptop... heheheh
Watch out.. new blogger emerging soon... :-)

ps : Cheeky aura... automatic pose when i point the camera at her.

By Aura's auntie Azura's adik.. Aura's first portrait.

By Mak Long and Atuk and Nenek.
Aura's starter kit to becoming the next Singapore's idol

ps : again, she pose without instructions.. Clever girl.

Dearest Aura,
Happy 2nd Birthday...

All postings about you should still be available when you are old enough to read
I hope with all this snippets of your life events, will give you
insights as to how much the whole family loves you.

When you are older, revisit this page okie

Or now ..
Since now that you've got your own Dora laptop. hahahahhaha

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