Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gosh. it's been a decade already??

Gosh i totally forgotten that 13th March is our 10th year anniversary. Or did i get the date wrong?? i'm positive it's today... err but whatever la... at least i got the month right..

I wanted to wish my husband earlier but we were both busy.
We finish work late today and by the time i remembered, it's already past 9pm.
And now it's already past midnite so no chance to post on actual day. ha ha...

That's how fantastic i'm with dates..

SO! forgive me if i forgot your birthday.. ok..
[heck i even forgot my anniversary... how?? ]

Too many dates to remember .. tsk tsk

our milestone together...
- Sept 98 - we started going out (i remember it's around sept cos we started going out shortly after i joined StarHub.

- 12th December 98 - engagement right?
(this one i remember cos it his and my mom birthday. they share same date)

- 13th March 1999 10 years ago day of our akad nikah. (solemnisation)
(we nikah first cos we got a flat already)

- 30th May 1999 is our "bersanding" day (err what is bersanding in english?)
(anyway, thanks to Yvonne for always reminding me this date! Muaaxx )

Okie now for the mushy part ...

this post is especially for you..

Dear hubby..
Thank you for the amazing past 10 years together.
Thank you for being there when i need you and comfort in your own special way.
Thank you for doing the laundry, housekeeping and cleaning all my mess putting up with all my nonsense :-)
Thank you for supporting me and giving me advice/solution (eventho i always end up defying even when you were right :-)
Thank you for taking care of me, always think of me first and make me feel special always.
Thank you for every itsy bitsy things that you've done for me.

Thank you for being you..!

So Dearest Hubby.. Happy anniversary !..

Let's us together hope for more anniversaries ahead..


ps : wanted to post wedding picture... i don't even know where is the album hahahah

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